
09 Jan' 2024

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Valuable knowledge continues to be generated through the programmes facilitated by Partners for Water (PfW). Learnings and insights that can potentially benefit anyone working within the water security. That’s why sharing these is an essential part of what PfW does. This is where Bram van der Wielen comes in. As Knowledge & Communication Advisor he connects water enthusiasts around the world. Nice to meet you, Bram!

‘I’ve been with Partners for Water for about a year now’, Bram tells us. ‘Before coming here, I developed my communication skills at different governmental organisations, such as the Netherlands Nutrition Centre (Voedingscentrum), the Inspectorate of Education (Onderwijsinspectie) and the Dutch Flood Protection Programme (HWBP). The goal was always the same: to tell stories in a simple yet effective way.’

Bram used to feel that his job satisfaction mainly came from this and that the subject itself was less important. ‘However, when I started working for HWBP, this belief started to change and I became fascinated by the work of the Dutch water sector. So, when I saw the Knowledge & Communication Advisor vacancy at PfW, I was immediately sold. I love contributing to something we sometimes take for granted in the Netherlands: water security.’

Building traction

Within the PfW-programme, there are countless interesting stories to be told. But what is the best way to do this? ‘To help figure this out, I’m working with everyone who is involved with Partners for Water, which is a lot of fun. The past year we’ve taken important steps in improving PfW communications. We’ve increased our online presence and participated in more events. In 2024 we’ll keep building traction with a new website, corporate videos and inspiring content.’

‘Of course, expanding the Partners for Water network is also a big part of what we’re about. That’s why we’re constantly working on getting the right people to meet each other. Events play a big role in this. In 2024 there will be conferences on water tech and water management in Singapore and Indonesia, which we’ll attend. We’re also organising our own event, called Waterproof.’

Aiming for commitment

One of the goals with the events we’re involved in, is to get concrete and to try to agree on action right there at the event itself. We want to do more than just shake hands; we want change. That’s why we actively seek commitment on topics like Nature-based Solutions (NBS), biodiversity and social inclusion. An example of this is the Coalition on Nature-based Solutions launched at the United Nations Conference on Water in New York in March 2023. It is a powerful alliance to create a breakthrough in the implementation of NBS for water-related challenges.’

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