
08 Aug' 2024

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With the Human series, we showcase the people who are involved in and benefit from the Partners for Water projects. The Human series sheds light on the stories of the people with whom and for whom Partners for Water works, and on how water affects their lives. Discover how water influences the life of Frans Janssen, who has come to understand the critical importance of ensuring that every user in the water chain is aware of its scarcity and receives their fair share.

Meet Frans Janssen

In this Humans of Partners for Water series, discover how Frans Janssen, who works for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addresses Chile’s water security challenges in partnership with Partners for Water.

Discover other Humans of Partners for Water

A new awareness of the value of water

Frans Janssen, representing the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chile, joined the Embassy and the Partners for Water programme three and a half years ago. His involvement has profoundly altered his understanding of water’s value, recognizing its critical influence on all aspects of life. In Chile, there are many productive sectors, including mining, industry, and especially agriculture, which consume 70-75% of the country’s water.

Janssen emphasizes that sustainable change requires contributions from every segment of the value chain, from producers to consumers. “We need to ensure that every water user in the chain gets their fair share, and I am extremely proud of every drop of water we can save”.

Raising awareness is thus crucial. Retailers must demand sustainably produced products, and consumers should support these efforts by paying fair prices. Producers face a pivotal decision: prioritize maximum short-term output or adopt sustainable practices to ensure long-term viability. Janssen believes that with collective action, significant improvements can be achieved.

Discover the new Partners for Water in Chile video