Online lectures on Nature-based Solutions
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NBS Lectures
From April until June, we are offering a range of lectures where you can discover more about utalising NBS to address water challenges and enhance water security. These lectures will cover topics such as urban NBS (wetlands, sponge city, wadi 2.0, tidal parks), mangrove restoration, reuse of local materials in NBS (sediment, (rain) water, etc.) and cultural impact of NBS. You will learn from global experts and international case studies and explore innovative methods, valuable lessons learned and succesfull approaches.
Read moreUpcoming Lecture 5 June
The online NBS lecture of 5 June will focus on the cultural impact of NBS.
Nature-Based Solutions can alter the local landscape. Social and cultural inclusion areĀ therefore a prerequisite when implementing NBS.
Topics to be discussed:
- Cultural heritage landscapes restoration
- Hedges as green water corridors: NBS measure on landscape scale
- Cultural ecosystem services in Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park