Do you want to know more about the general political, economic and social situation in Mozambique? Interested in exploring the collaborative efforts in water management between the Netherlands and Mozambique?

Whether your organization aims to address water security challenges in Mozambique, or if you’re simply eager to absorb new knowledge, contribute ideas, or share your experiences, we invite you to the Mozambique Water Platform Meeting on 7 March in The Hague!

This Platform Meeting aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences and insights about the collaborative efforts in water management between the Netherlands and Mozambique. Our programme is rich with informative presentations on the latest Dutch initiatives, upcoming events, and opportunities for business and funding opportunities. The day concludes with a networking lunch, providing a setting to connect with professionals who are actively engaged or interested in the Dutch-Mozambique water sector.

For Whom?

This event is ideal for professionals from all organizations and individuals involved in the water sector, particularly those looking to extend their reach or influence in Mozambique.

When & Where

Babylon, The Hague
7 March 2024

Arrival at the venue is welcomed from 9:30 onwards. The series of presentations and interactive discussions will run from 10:00 – 12:30, followed by a networking lunch until 13:30.


Walk in with coffee and tea

09:30 – 10:00

Welcoming by Jaap Kroon (Senior Project Advisor for Partners for Water, RVO)

10:00 – 10:05

Mozambique overview: Political, Economic, and Social Overview, including the NL Embassy’s multi-annual strategic plan by Ivo van Haren (First Secretary for Water and Food Security, NL Embassy)

10:05 – 10:30

Insight into the Partners for Water programme in Mozambique; focusing on realization of the Beira Master Plan 2035, including drainage and coastal protection projects in Beira. (Maarten Gischler – Senior Water Advisor, IGG/BZ)

10:30 – 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 – 11:30

Ensuring sustainable interventions in Mozambique: A systemic approach and community engagement

11:30 – 12:00

Roundtable discussion: exploring opportunities for the Dutch water sector in Mozambique (including a brief overview of RVO tools and NL Embassy support)

12:00 – 12:30

Networking lunch

12:30 – 13:30

Partners for Water programme

The platform meeting is organised by the Partners for Water programme. Partners for Water is a programme of the Dutch Government that works on water security worldwide. This is accomplished through long-term cooperation between local partners and the Dutch water sector. The programme promotes knowledge sharing, innovations and an integrated approach. In this way, it creates a positive impact in the field of water security for people, nature and biodiversity.

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