Join a Partners for Water subsidy scheme information session!

Are you working on an innovative water solution to enhance water security abroad? Join one of the April-information sessions to discover if the Partners for Water subsidy can support your ambitions.

Register for the information session

Who is it for?

This opportunity is for Dutch organisations (companies, knowledge institutes, NGO’s) working on innovative technologies, concepts, methods to enhance water security.

When should you participate?

Participate in one of the information sessions if your innovation meets the following criteria:

  • The innovation contributes to relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to water, food, or biodiversity.
  • The innovation has a significant impact on water security abroad.
  • The innovation can be demonstrated under local conditions (at pilot-level) or you can verify the feasibility of a pilot project.

Moreover, consider participating if you:

  • Want to understand how the Partners for Water grant can enhance your innovation.
  • Seek information about alternative funding opportunities for your water-related innovations.
  • Aim to network with fellow specialists in the water sector.

Preliminary programme

Coffee & tea


Explanation about the subsidy scheme


e.g. goals, criteria, procedure

Subsidy project in practice


Experiences from a recently finalised Partners for Water-project

Overview of relevant Dutch funding possibilities


Following or preceding your project



Network drinks


When and where

18 April, Utrecht
Westplein 50, walking distance of Utrecht Central Station

25 April, Leeuwarden
Water Alliance, Agora 4, 8934 CJ Leeuwarden.
Both information sessions will be held in English.

Register for one of the information sessions

Participation is free of charge.

RVO strives to reduce the environmental footprint and we therefor ask you to consider this when you  sign up or are unable to attend