This year, the 16th Conference of Parties on Biological Diversity will take place in Cali, Colombia from 21st of October till the 1st of November.

COP16 is the first Biodiversity Conference since adopting the Global Biodiversity Framework, known as The Biodiversity Plan. Governments will review progress on implementing the plan and aligning their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). Key discussions will cover the monitoring framework, funding implementation, and the mechanism for fair Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) of genetic resource information.

With participants from over 190 countries, COP16 will include governments, observer organisations, indigenous communities, businesses, youth groups, civil society, academia, and the general public.

Partners for Water is hosting a Netherlands Pavilion

We are excited to open the registrations to host a session in the NL Pavilion at the CoP Biodiversity in Cali, Colombia.

The programming of the theater of the NL pavilion is coordinated by Partners for Water, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An editorial committee will evaluate your application based on the requirements outlined below.

Present your inspiring innovative idea at the COP16 Biodiversity

If you are interested in hosting a session, please know that your session should focus on the nexus of biodiversity, water, and food (or agriculture), or the connection of biodiversity with either water or food/agriculture. An editorial committee will evaluate your application based on the specific requirements outlined below.

Requirements for your session

The session should ideally focus on the nexus biodiversity/water/food (or agriculture) or the nexus biodiversity with either water or food/agriculture. The presentation should address one or more of the main themes:

  • Mainstreaming biodiversity
  • Monitoring and review
  • A system approach for water-biodiversity-food
  • Biodiversity, water and finance
  • The link between climate change, the water cycle and biodiversity
  • How to include indigenous and/or local knowledge in biodiversity restoration/development in water related project


  • The session should preferably be delivered by at least two parties collaborating, planning to collaborate, or who have collaborated. It should be a substantive session on the above mentioned themes (not a marketing/sales pitch).
  • It should have a strategic objective in your long term vision and an action oriented outcome.
  • The sessions are planned with time blocks of 45 minutes. Please indicate if you plan to use one, two or three blocks for your session.

The organisation prefers presentations that:

  • Besides focusing on the issues, solutions and the involved parties, take into account the public (public or private sector, NGO’s, knowledge and financial institutes, national or international) you wish to address.
  • Offer sustainable solutions for people, nature, and biodiversity. Think of Nature Based Solutions and innovative, sustainable interventions in water security.
  • Emphasise social inclusivity and co-creation with local parties (Indigenous Peoples and local communities, gender, youth).

In order to complete you registration please fill out the registration form. The deadline for applying for registration is August 19 2024, 12:00 PM Netherlands time. Before 26 August you will receive an email if your session has been accepted to take place in the NL Pavilion. At the end of August, the definitive programme will be published via our website.

Information about the session theater

Capacity of the session theater: 27
Audio and visual options: We provide 2 microphones and 1 presentation screen. A technician will be onsite.
Indication of the space: We provide a theater presentation style.

Register now!