How we work
Partners for Water works on solving water challenges around the world
We do this through long-term cooperation with local partners in 7 delta countries and the Dutch water sector. By facilitating strategic planning, supporting the early stages of innovation and mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions and biodiversity within water projects, we create impact in the field of water security.
We involve the Dutch water sector and their broad range of instruments in addressing local water challenges worldwide.
In doing so, we seek cooperation with local governments and with knowledge institutions, financiers, NGOs and companies from both the Netherlands and abroad.
Next to that, we make subsidies available for Dutch companies active in the water sector and their local international partners. We also bring together relevant stakeholders to facilitate knowledge and experience exchange and encourage new collaborations.
We work together
We enhance water security internationally through equal partnerships with governments, relevant local partners and the innovative Dutch water sector. Always with a focus on co-creation and long-term cooperation.
We make long-term impact
We work together with our local partners and the Dutch water sector to develop sustainable, enduring solutions for local water challenges. Our impact stems from long-term collaborations with local partners, addressing the root causes of water management issues, incorporating a holistic approach and encouraging solutions that are applicable for upscaling in other parts of the world as well.
We mainstream Nature-based Solutions and biodiversity
We enhance the quality and sustainability of water infrastructure and management by encouraging Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and focusing on biodiversity in the approach, methodology and strategy of water projects. This is realised through knowledge exchange and development, and by partnering in co-developing nature-inclusive projects with a net gain in biodiversity.
We stimulate innovation
We use our extensive network, knowledge and subsidies to stimulate the application of novel, inclusive and sustainable techniques, services and methodologies from the Dutch water sector and their local international partners. This is achieved by facilitating the pre-market preparation of innovations, always with an eye toward potential upscaling.
Three interrelated components to address global water challenges
The Partners for Water programme knows three interrelated components: the thematic approach, the subsidy scheme and the delta country approach. Each component has its own approach, but they are all interconnected. Read about them below.
The thematic approach
Partners for Water is developing sustainable alternative approaches to solving traditional water challenges. The approach focuses on two themes: Nature-based Solutions and Water-Biodiversity-Food.
Nature-based Solutions can be used as sustainable alternatives to traditional infrastructure by using the natural landscape to improve flood risk management and water security. Water-biodiversity-food is directed towards system changes where stakeholders consider biodiversity as an integral factor in decision-making around water use, water balance and water management in an area.
Read about the Thematic approach.
The subsidy scheme
It can be challenging to independently introduce and market innovative water applications abroad. Partners for Water – Innovations for Water Security Foreign Deltas, Delta Cities and River Basins (PVW-IVWW) is a grant scheme that offers participants the opportunity to research the feasibility of their innovative applications abroad, and to test and modify them to address international water challenges.
Innovation is one of the most important factors in improving flood risk management and water security. By financing feasibility studies and pilot projects abroad, the Dutch government wants to increase the contribution of Dutch innovativeness to flood risk management and water security abroad.
Read about the Subsidy scheme.
The delta country approach
We use our network, knowledge and financing to improve water security overseas. As part of the programme, we are supporting a more sustainable and holistic approach to water management in seven delta countries: Bangladesh, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mozambique and Vietnam.
Read about the Delta country approach.

Our Partners in solving water challenges
For over 20 years, Partners for Water has been the pivotal link between the Dutch water sector and global partners. Our network and projects span the globe, driving innovation and collaboration.